Bharat Joshi

CEO and author

Bharat Joshi is an entrepreneur, author of Navigating India, and CEO of J Curve Ventures.

He has addressed fora in India, China, Japan, New Zealand and Europe. He serves on the National Council of CII (Confederation of Indian Industry), is a charter member of TiE (The Indus Entrepreneurs), and was acknowledged in UNCTAD's World Investment Report 2006. He led a Future Leaders' delegation to Japan in 2017, upon invitation of the Japanese Government.

Bharat is a Broadcaster for AIR (All India Radio), writes for print and online publications (Wall Street Journal, CNN IBN, Economic Times, etc), is visiting faculty at SRCC (Shri Ram College of Commerce), Delhi University, and author of Navigating India: a socio-economic commentary and guide for business in India. The book is also being translated into Japanese.

Bharat serves on the boards of three companies of the Joshi Group as executive Director. All
three companies have interests in logistics, technology and infrastructure: - ACTL (Associated Container Terminal Ltd); JKTI (Joshi Konoike Transport and Infrastructure); and J-Curve Venture Pvt Ltd