Malcolm McKinnon

Research Fellow, School of History, Philosophy, Political Science & Int Relations, Victoria University of Wellington

Malcolm McKinnon is a published historian who has taught for many years in Victoria University’s School of History, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations.  He is a regular contributor to the Mindanao Young Leaders Programme which the School runs in conjunction with Union Aid and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. He is on the editorial committee of New Zealand International Review.

Malcolm is the author of an interpretive history of New Zealand's external relations Independence and Foreign Policy: New Zealand in the world since 1935 (Auckland, Auckland University Press, 1993), and Immigrants and citizens: New Zealanders and Asian immigration in historical context (Wellington, Institute of Policy Studies VUW, 1996); In more recent years he has published New Zealand and ASEAN, a history (Asia New Zealand Foundation 2016) and Rethinking New Zealand’s China Dilemma (NZ Contemporary China Research Centre, 2022). He has contributed opinion pieces on New Zealand’s foreign relations to the Stuff website, articles to New Zealand International Review, and book reviews to the New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies.